Representatives of Commission for Protection of Competition participated, as speakers, in the seminar dedicated to the field of competition, with a focus on challenges in energy sector.
Seminar participants were informed about sector inquiries of the market of petroleum products, as well as all illicit clauses imposed on long-term contracts on gas supply. The topic at the seminar was also the issue of price calculation, as well as the problems of vertical integration in production and distribution of electricity. Too, among topics discussed at seminar were basic provisions stemming from the EU Stabilization and Association Agrement regarding the separation of functions of production from supply and further distribution of energy to end consumers.
In cooperation with Serbian Chamber of Commerce and experts involved in project supported by EU intended to promote protection of competition in Serbia, Commission for Protection of Competition provides business community with opportunity to become familiar, through lectures, workshops and seminars, with basic rules in competition policy and competition protection.
Speakers at the seminar were Ms. Jelena Grahovac, from Commission for Protection of Competition, and experts involved in project, Mr. Andrej Plahutnik and Mr.Aleksandar Djelic, lawyer.
Serbian Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with Commission for Protection of Competition, organized this seminar within the Project for Strengthening the Competition in Serbia financed by EU, and implemented by German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).