24 « April « 2017 « Commission for Protection of Competition
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Commission Imposed a Measure for Protection of Competition to Companies Vital and Victoriaoil JSC

kzk-ekofCouncil of the Commission for Protection of Competition enacted a decision establishing the infringement of competition and imposing the measure for protection of competition to companies Vital from Vrbas and Victoriaoil JSC from Šid, on the basis of concluded restrictive agreement that limits and controls production and market of edible sunflower oil.

It is established that the above-mentioned companies as competing parties on the markets of production and sale of edible sunflower oil, have concluded the Contract on business cooperation, wherewith have created a framework for harmonizing behavior of undertakings, resulting in a restrictive nature of the said Contact pursuant to the Law on Protection of Competition.

The measure for protection of competition is imposed in the form of commitment payment of a monetary sum to companies Victoriaoil and Vital, in the amount of RSD 23m and 8.6m, respectively.

Commission Council Member at the Multidisciplinary Team Meeting

kzk-ekofMember of the Council of the Commission for Protection of Competition, Mr. Čedomir Radojčić, participated at the Third workshop and coordination meeting of the Multidisciplinary team on the topic: Fraud in public procurement procedures / Financial frauds and public corruptions. Mr. Radojčić held a lecture on the occasion: “Competition policy and public procurements: The role of the Commission for Protection of Competition”.

Multidisciplinary team (MDT) as its objective sets to mutually introduce representatives of various public institutions, as well as governmental organizations and authorities, to educate members on the possibilities and fields of expertise of other organizations, along with bolstering communication and coordination between those organizations – with the ultimate objective of identifying and running more successful investigation and criminal prosecution of frauds in public procurement procedures and other cases of public corruption.

The workshop and operating activities of the MDT are organized in the form of meetings, in cooperation with representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe – Mission to Serbia (OSCE) and US Justice Department at the US Embassy in Belgrade.

Beside representatives of the Commission, meeting was attended by representatives of the Supreme Court of Cassation, Prosecutor’s Office, State Audit Institution, Public Procurement Office, Administration for Fighting Organized Crime of the Ministry of Interior of Serbia, as well as reps of other institutions.