By means of conclusion enacted by the Commission President of October 10, 2017, proceeding is continued ex officio, instituted upon notification of concentration of company Compagnie des Levures Lesaffre S.A., France, created by acquisition of individual control over company Alltech RS Fermentaciona Industrija LLC Senta.
During the investigation procedure, the Commission will investigate as to whether concentration concerned fulfils the conditions of permissibility from Article 19 of the Law on Protection of Competition, or respectively on the possibility of significant restriction, distortion or prevention of competition on the market of the Republic of Serbia or its part by implementing the related concentration, and especially if such restriction, distortion or prevention would be the result of creating or strengthening of a dominant position.
The Commission will conduct all necessary activities, establish all facts and derive evidence necessary to define the relevant market(s), structure of the relevant market(s), degree of concentration on the relevant market(s), identification of actual and potential competitors, market position of participants in concentration, legal and other barriers to enter on the relevant markets, interests of consumers, etc.
The Commission calls upon all persons in possession of data, documentation or other information that might contribute to the accurate fact-finding in this proceeding to submit the said in the shortest possible time to the Commission to the address: 25/IV Savska St., Belgrade.