19 « February « 2019 « Commission for Protection of Competition
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Commission President Receives Visit from Korean Ambassador

kzkPresident of the Commission for Protection of Competition Dr Miloje Obradović has received a visit from H.E. Hyoung Chan Choe, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Serbia, and presented activities implemented by the Commission for Protection of Competition taken towards ensuring a level playing field for all undertakings operating on the Serbian market.

Dr Obradović welcomed H.E. Hyoung Chan Choe and expressed satisfaction with the previous volume of cooperation achieved with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, in addition to the communication opened with the Korea Fair Trade Commission – KFTC, established as a result of assistance provided by the Korean Embassy.

The intensive cooperation between competition authorities of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Korea is to be continued with a visit from Mr. Kim Sang-jo, KFTC Chairperson, to the Serbian Commission and co-organization of the second joint seminar in March 2019.
The Korean Ambassador thanked for the reception and pointed out that one of the most important roles of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Belgrade is to facilitate the position of current and attract new Korean investments in Serbia.

Also, H.E. Hyoung Chan Choe voiced his satisfaction over the positive progress achieved in the implementation of a professional training course designed for employees of the Commission for Protection of Competition as part of the technical assistance program, implemented in the Korea Fair Trade Commission in November 2018.

It is mutually agreed that initiatives which have taken place so far have resulted in more intensive cooperation and exchange of experiences between the two authorities, built in order to advance the business environment in Serbia.

Norwegian Ambassador Visits Commission

kzkPresident of the Commission for Protection of Competition Dr Miloje Obradović has received a visit from H.E. Arne Sannes Bjørnstad, Norwegian Ambassador to Serbia.

On the occasion of the meeting with Ambassador Bjørnstad, the Commission for Protection of Competition presented its current activities and plans. Particular attention was placed on improvements in the work of the Commission owing to the donation of the Norwegian Embassy for the implementation of the project “Improvement of the business environment in Serbia”.

The CPC President thanked H.E. Bjørnstad for the support provided towards improving the environment for more efficient implementation of competition policy. He pointed out that under this project, the Commission was able to secure the cutting-edge forensic equipment used in dawn raids. Owing to this project, the Commission also hired top experts and with their participation and efforts made by CPC representatives, was able to organize several public debates throughout Serbia dedicated to competition policy improvements. Furthermore, the project also envisages activities to increase visibility of the Commission on social media platforms.

The CPC President indicated his wish to expand cooperation both with the Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade and the highly successful Norwegian competition authority. Ambassador Bjørnstad accepted the invitation to be one of the participants at the forthcoming Competition Day conference, organized by the Commission in Belgrade, scheduled for April 12, 2019.