kzkPresident of the Commission for Protection of Competition Dr Miloje Obradović took part, with colleague Marija Antić, in the ordinary meeting of the Subcommittee on Internal Market and Competition, held in Brussels.

Dr Obradović provided a brief for the EC representatives on the progress reached within NG 8: Competition policy. The audience was also kept abreast of current events relating to the implementation of the Law on Protection of Competition and information on the Commission’s interim enforcement record, all of which are of particular importance in the context of ensuring a level playing field for all undertakings.

The Commission President also presented a detailed account of activities in connection with advancing knowledge of the general public on the importance of the culture of compliance with competition law.

- The Commission works intensely on raising awareness on the importance of competition policy in Serbia and insists on practices for the inclusion of all interested stakeholders when considering the overall needs for regulatory improvements aimed at ensuring the Commission’s operational transparency, said President Obradović during the Subcommittee meeting. – In the previous period, the Commission has increased its administrative and institutional capacities and remained focused on efficient and effective implementation of the Law towards ensuring more effective protection of competition in Serbia.

At the Subcommittee meeting regularly held as part of Serbia’s EU accession process is stated that our country follows the dynamics of EU competition policy development and strives towards the harmonization of its standards with respective EU standards to the extent possible.

That is also confirmed by the EC assessment in its recently published the 2019 Progress Report on Serbia, noting the progress in the number of detected cases of anticompetitive behaviors, increased number of sector inquiries and continued competition advocacy activities. However, the Report also references the need for intensified consultations with the Commission on all draft laws concerning competition.