kzkThe Commission for Protection of Competition instituted proceedings against undertakings, companies „MITECO“ – Kneževac, „YUNIRISK“ – Beograd, „MODEKOLO“ – Beograd, „BREM GROUP“ – Beograd, and „KEMIS“ – Valjevo, based on a reasonable belief that the said parties have committed a competition law infringement referred to in Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Competition, by engaging in collusive joint bidding agreements in a public procurement announced by the Ministry of Environmental Protection as the Contracting Authority.

In parallel to instituting proceedings, authorized officials of the Commission for Protection of Competition have conducted a dawn raid in five locations and collected relevant documentation necessary to establish facts in the proceedings.
All persons are invited to submit data, documents or other relevant information in their possession that could contribute to the accurate fact-finding in this proceeding to the Commission for Protection of Competition, 25 Savska St., 4th Floor, Belgrade.