On 10.11.2015, European Commission published its Annual Report on the Serbia progress in the process of European integration, in which it examined the compatibility of regulations and the manner of their implementation to EU acquis.
When it comes to Chapter 8 – competition policy, European Commission assessed that Serbia is ”moderately” prepared to assume the obligations in this field. The greatest progress under this Chapter has been made in the area of competition protection, more specifically, narrowed down to infringement of competition and merger control.
European Commission said that in the field of competition infringements and merger control, the legal framework has been largely harmonised with EU acquis. Commission for Protection of Competition has maintained its level of activities from 2014, making decisions on abuse of dominant position and merger control. Conduct of two dawn raids in July 2015, is a positive development towards a more efficient fight against cartels.
The Report says that in 2015, administrative capacity of the Commission has been significantly strengthened. On the other hand, according to estimates in the Report, the capacity of judiciary to decide on complex cases in the field of competition must be further improved.