The Council of the Commission for Protection of Competition, based on the Resolution enacted on August 15, 2016, suspended competition infringement procedure established on October 26, 2015, against PUC Infostan Tehnologije from Belgrade. The Resolution found commitments of the PUC Infostan Tehnologije, the acting of which shall be regularly supervised by the Commission and in case of, during the period of the subsequent three years, a significant change of circumstances occurs based on which the resolution on suspension of established competition infringement procedure was set, the competition infringement procedure shall be reestablished.
The PUC Infostan Tehnologije from Belgrade commits to permanently alter their business policy in the following segments so that:
- New commercial services listing is performed either on the basis of written consent of the City of Belgrade citizens that are in the system of consolidated collection of utility services, or via notifications to the user, in accordance with the offer, that only by making a payment on the special payment slip will provide a consent for listing of particular items on the Infostan utility bill
- Listing of items from the bill derived from the system of consolidated collection of utility services is performed upon user’s request, i.e. City of Belgrade citizens that are in the system of consolidated collection of utility services, with the obligation to accept at their counters every written request for listing of commercial items from the utility bill, and that the same item be listed as from the following bill onwards, in addition to informing provider of the specific service on the performed operation
- Insurance companies are not provided with abstracted information on users that are not insured. For the purpose of implementation of this commitment, the option of providing information on users that are already insured by that specific insurer is allowed in order for offers not to be sent to those that are already insured by the same company
- Mandatory publish on the Infostan Tehnologija Internet page every new option for new items listing, with detailed explanation to the users
- In the following three years submit to the Commission for review purposes, every subsequent contract concluded with a third party interested for utilization of commercial conditions provided by the Infostan, with the request for providing an opinion
The Commission’s Council enacted decision on the suspension of established competition infringement procedure keeping in mind that by adopting of measures, danger of continuation of performing acts and activities on the market that led to a reasonable assumption of competition infringement is completely removed, based on which the competition infringement procedure was initiated ex officio, as well as that mentioned measures prevent the possibility of the same or similar future infringement occurrence.