On October 11 and 12, 2012 International Conference was held in Beograd presenting expert analysis of the competition law and policy in Serbia and its results (Peer Review Report). Relevant analysis was made as a result of cooperation between Commission for Protection of Competition and expert team of UN Conference on Trade and Development – UNCTAD.


Report acknowledged enhancement achieved in the field of competition protection from the date of its introduction upto the present date, both as regards application of competition rules, and strenghtening of administrative and institutional capacities of the Commission for Protection of Competition.


It was assessed that Serbia succeeded in introducing modern system  of competition protection, through establishment of an independent institution and adoption and enforcement of relevant legislative frame.


Report includes a series of recommendations, comments and suggestions aimed at further improvement of legislative frame, strenghtening of capacities and efficient application of Law and supporting sub-legal acts.


Among others, Conference was attended by Mr.Petko Draganov, Deputy to Secretary General, UNCTAD, Mr.Hassan Qaqaya, Head of Competition and Consumer Policies Branch, UNCTAD, Prof. William Kovacic, George Washington University, Prof. Vincent Martenet, President of the Commission for Protection of Competition of Switzerland, representatives from European Commission (DG COMP), competition authorities from Sweden, Hungary, Czeck Republic, Russian Federation, Romania, Bulgaria, countries from the region, as well as a large number of experts in the field of competition protection from the country and abroad.


Several lestures were given at the Conference, having as a topic cooperation of government bodies in joint struggle against violation of competition. Also, a round table was organised on the issues concerning importance of raising of awareness on competition protection and acquiring and transferring the knowledge to younger competition authorities.