The Commission for Protection of Competition and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Belgrade signed the Grant Agreement funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the implementation of project “Increasing economic growth through support to promotion of competition policy”.
The Grant will be utilized for strengthening capacities of the Commission in implementing competition policy, while the planned effect is the advancement of its operating capacities and raising the level of awareness on the competition policy in Serbia.
The Project comprises of three segments which will be implemented through organizing promotions of solutions from the Draft Law on Protection of Competition with the objective of preparing a legislative proposal in as qualitative manner as possible, via increasing detection rate of competition infringements, as well as by raising the level of competition culture and awareness among key stakeholders in Serbia. The Agreement stipulates the project implementation period of 24 months, executed during 2018 and 2019.
In May 2017, the Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade published a call for submitting proposals for project “Strengthening EU integration in Serbia and Montenegro”. The overall goal of Norway’s assistance to the Western Balkans is to contribute to development of rule of law and stability through initiatives that promote stability, that is to say closer regional cooperation and implementation of transitional justice in the region, socio-economic development achieved through the increased economic growth and competitiveness, increased capacity in the field of environment, climate and energy, in addition to the increased social and economic inclusion of marginalized groups. The objectives of Norwegian assistance to the Western Balkans are also strengthening of the rule of law through capacity-building of courts, prosecuting authorities, independent control bodies and the police, a more democratic and effective defense sector, and also the fight against organized crime and corruption established as a top priority for the authorities.
This call of the Norwegian Embassy also aims to provide project-based support within the three priority areas of Norwegian development assistance to Ministries, local governments and public institutions participating in promoting and enhancing EU integration of Serbia and Montenegro. The proposed action must contribute to Serbian and Montenegrin EU integration process in one or more of the following chapters: Chapter 5: Public procurement; Chapter 8: Competition policy; Chapter 23: Judiciary and fundamental rights; Chapter 24: Justice, freedom and security; Chapter 27: Environment (for Montenegro only); Chapter 32: Financial control; and, Chapter 35: Other issues – Normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo (for Serbia only). The proposed activities must take place in Serbia and/or Montenegro.