President of Commission for Protection of Competition issued, on the basis of Article 35, paragraph 2 of the Law on Protection of Competition, Resolution on initiation of procedure ex officio against 26 participants in the market of provision of geodetic services, for investigation of infringement of competition as stipulated in Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Competition.
The procedure was initiated following an initiative received by the Commission on April 12, 2016. The initiative stated that on several public procurement procedures for obtaining geodetic services, it was established that, as of the end of 2015, the bidders submitted bids with prices that significantly exceeded the estimated value of public procurement, which accordingly, led to suspension of respective procedures.
After a detailed analysis of all allegations and documents, Resolution on initiation of procedure was issued on April 19, 2016. Dawn raids were conducted at several locations in the premises of market participants.
We invite all persons who have data, documents or any other relevant information which may contribute to determining the factual situation in this procedure, to submit them to the address of Commission for Protection of Competition at Savska 25/IV, Belgrade.
Resolution on the initiation of procedure was published in the ”Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” no. 45/06.05.16.