Representatives of the Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia visited Rome during the three-day study visit to the Italian competition authority (Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato). The study visit was organized as a part of a program support provided by „TAIEX“ – Technical assistance and information exchange instrument of the Directorate-General for EU enlargement.
During the study visit, a regulatory framework of the Republic of Italy competition law was presented, with particular emphasis on: determining infringement of competition in public procurement procedures; implementation of advocacy institute; implementation of leniency program and penalties for undertakings; practice in cases of conditional approval of concentration; implementation of economic analysis on competition regulation in specific sectors (free-lance professions, sport, burial services, banks, insurance).
The goal of this study visit was to improve knowledge and skills from the most important areas of competition law (restrictive agreements, abuse of a dominant position, economic analysis, control of concentrations), by informing from the examples of best practices and case studies of the Italian competition authority.