The Committee on the Economy, Regional Development, Trade, Tourism and Energy of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia discussed and unanimously adopted the Activity reports of the Commission for Protection of Competition for 2017 and 2018.
President of the Commission Dr Miloje Obradović informed the Committee members that two annual activity reports of the Commission contain all key elements pertaining to the work of the national competition authority. The Commission, according to Dr Obradović, has increased its administrative and institutional capacities during the period referred, and was focused on efficient and effective law enforcement towards ensuring more effective competition in Serbia.
- Our objective is the creation of competitive markets where undertakings will increase their productivity, innovations and investments, resulting in faster economic growth, development and increased standard of living of the citizens of the Republic of Serbia, concluded President Obradović during his presentation of the reports before the Committee.
The competition policy is one of the important segments of the economic system and business environment of the Republic of Serbia. The results of our work clearly indicate the increased economic activity in the Republic of Serbia, in addition to the increase in foreign investments. This fact argues that our country has an attractive business climate, decidedly contributed by the Commission for Protection of Competition as well.
Dr Obradović also indicated that activities under the process of Serbia’s accession to the EU have been continued during the period referred, and that the work of the Commission regarding the negotiation process for Chapter 8 is highly assessed.
Following the presentation given by Dr Obradović, President of the Committee, Snežana Petrović, expressed her expectations for the continued work and further development of the Commission, and called for the adoption of the Activity reports of the Commission for Protection of Competition, which the Committee unanimously endorsed.
The meeting was attended by members and deputy members of the Committee, as well as CPC Council members, division heads and senior staff of the Administrative and Professional Service of the Commission for Protection of Competition.