icnThis year as well, the International Competition Network organized its 13th annual workshop dedicated to the enhancement of knowledge on cartel detection, the ICN Cartel Workshop, held in Madrid, Spain.

The host of this year’s four-day workshop, dedicated to the additional training of competition infringements experts, is Spanish competition authority – Comision nacional de los mercados y la competencia.

Experts from the Department for Competition Infringement, Mr. Vladimir Antonijević and Ms. Marija Kovačević, represented the Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition at this event.

During the workshop, the discussion is focused on strategies for cartel detection and investigation, introduction to available tools for deterrence, as well as on cooperation between different competition authorities in the domain of cartel detection and prevention.

As in previous years, lecturers are the EU Commission’s cartel detection experts, in addition to experts coming from countries with multiannual experience and practice in detecting numerous types of competition infringements.

In addition to competition authorities, the workshop is intended for participation of NGO experts.