Commission for Protection of Competition, in the procedure conducted ex officio, found that the companies “D&D Travel”, Ltd., Niš, “DJD prevoz” Ltd., Niš and “Jeremic prevoz” Ltd., Niš, concluded a restrictive agreement which pre-arranged individual participation in the public procurement for Clinical Centre Niš (service for organized transport of workers in 2014). During the procedure, the Commission established that those undertakings infringed competition rules by agreeing to determine prices and other commercial conditions contained in every single offer, which led to their infringment of competition under Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Competition.
Given the above, the Commission set a measure for protection of competition in the form of pecuniary fine in the amount of 1.6% of the total annual turnover realized in 2013 for all above stated companies.
In Beograd, at the Media Centre, the publication “Transparency and Accountability of Agencies: Comparative Analysis of Five Regulated Sectors in Serbia and Macedonia” was presented analysing ten regulatory and control bodies in Serbia and Macedonia, including the Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia.
This publication presents the results of one-year study to show that the Commission applied a high degree of transparency in its work. ”Details pertaining to its core competencies, such as information on infringements of competition and monitoring of competition, have been extensively published on the Commission site. The Commission has therefore achieved a high degree of transparency, especially with regard to the first, second, third and fourth element of transparency regarding decisions, rules, conduct and control of market participants” – as stated in publication.
The presentation of publication ”Transparency and Accountability of Agencies: A Comparative Analysis of Five Regulated Sectors in Serbia and Macedonia” was attended by the Secretary to the Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia, Mr.Dragan Penezic, who spoke of further steps in improving the transparency of work, and plans to strenghten Commission’s presence in the public, primarely citizens and business community.
In his speech, Secretary to the Commission stressed his satisfaction with the fact stated in publication, that the Commission for Protection of Competition was singled out from other analyzed institutions, because of the positive effects of the Commission’s decision to publish more information on site than is a legal requirement. As a reminder, since 2013, in the frame of publishing issued descisions, the Commission also publishes the reasoning of such decisions, thus increasing the level of transparency of the decision making process.