Following Slovenian colleagues’ invitation, the President of the Commission for Protection of Competition, Miloje Obradović, PhD, participated in the “Slovenian competition day”, held in Ljubljana.

The Conference focused on the EU Damages Directive implementation challenges, enacted with the goal of improved implementation of competition rules by providing rights to the damaged parties to exercise the right to compensation as a consequence of infringements of competition rules under national law. Competition protection authorities’ representatives from Austria, Croatia and Slovenia also took part in a constructive debate on the topic, as well as representatives of the academic and business communities, and courts.

Discussions on the modalities of improving relations and cooperation between Slovenian and Serbian competition protection authorities were held on the sidelines of the conference, alongside the plans for continuation of cooperation between the two institutions, regional initiatives concerning expansion of knowledge and harmonization of practices regarding competition rights and policy in the European Union, as well as current issues the two authorities for competition protection are currently involved.

Ms. Nina Vasić, MSc, Adviser in the Department for International Cooperation of the Commission for Protection of Cooperation also took part in the Serbian delegation.