September « 2016 « Commission for Protection of Competition
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OECD Regional Center for Competition Seminar Held in Belgrade

rccoecdThe Commission for Protection of Competition hosted traditional, prestigious seminar of the OECD Regional Center for Competition, headquartered in Budapest. The topic of this gathering, as per initiative of the Serbian Commission as a host, was how to enhance competition culture, competition policy advocacy, and estimate on competition policy’s effectiveness in the SEE region.

The conference was opened by the President of the Commission for Protection of Competition, Miloje Obradović, PhD, while main panelists were Sabine Zigelski, OECD Senior competition expert, Šarunas Keserauskas, Chairman of the Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania, and Kay Weidner, Spokesman for Germany’s Federal Cartel Office.

The President of the Commission for Protection of Competition, Miloje Obradović, PhD, emphasized that among state institution, business and expert public representatives, the judiciary and consumers themselves, still exists an insufficient level of knowledge on the importance of competition legislation.

“I believe that topic on how to develop a competition culture is in common for all regional bodies in the majority of countries that either went, or are still going through a transition. Famous Cambridge sociologist, Ralf Dahrendorf, explained the situation of countries that had a discontinuity in a market economy with a sentence that is very illustrative of the issues we are facing as well: “Transitional countries can change government in six days, enact laws in six months, build institutions in six years, but for a change in the manners of citizens’ thinking and acting – it will take sixty years”.

President Obradovic said that he believes there is a significant room for improvement in this segment of protection of competition bodies’ operations, but that he is not dissatisfied with the results, especially having in mind the fact that this topic has not always been set as a priority.

During the first and second day of the seminar, methods implemented by competition authorities aimed at improvement of competition culture were presented, hypothetical case of presenting to the media competition protection measures imposed on cartel participants was analyzed, as well as effects of the campaigns directed toward enhancing general public’ knowledge of the competition protection policy implemented by institutions for protection of competition of countries participating in the seminar.

The third day of the seminar was dedicated to the instruments for market monitoring (sectoral analysis, studies, hypothetical cases, reports, researches, etc.) with the aim of identifying possible weaknesses in the market and/or the existence of conditions of competition infringements. Representatives of Lithuania, Germany, Ukraine, Romania and Serbia presented their experiences.

By giving their presentations, representatives of the Commission for Protection of Competition passed a particular contribution to the seminar. Dragan Penezeć, PhD, Secretary General, reviewed Commission for Protection of Competition’s activities, Gordana Bulatović, Chief of Staff, presented the implementation of existing advocacy competition tools in cooperation with the media used for enhancing competition culture, as well as Jelena Popović Markopulos, Senior Advisor in the Department for Economic Analysis, who spoke on the Serbian authority experiences in preparing sectoral analysis.

More than 30 participants from 21 authorities for the protection of competition coming from regional countries, European Union and Euro-Asian region participated in the seminar.

The Commission is hosting the OECD Regional Center seminar

rccoecdThe Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia is hosting the OECD Regional Center seminar for competition, to be held in Belgrade from September 27-29, 2016. The Commission is selected among a great number of national authorities for competition law implementation that have applied to host this prestigious gathering.

Following Commission’s recommendation, the seminar will be dedicated to the topic of competition advocacy. The topic holds particular significance having in mind that the awareness on the importance and benefits of competition rules is still not sufficiently developed at the level of executive power, the business community, the judiciary and academic community, as well as among the citizens as consumers.

Part of the program will be dedicated to the utilization of market research and sectoral analyses in the competition protection practice. Within mentioned panel, experienced experts from this area will share their knowledge and prior experiences.

The seminar will be an opportunity for sharing of experiences between countries with different level of competition law development and related implementation practice. These meetings are also of a great significance for countries that are developing competition law implementation, among which is Serbia, as well as an opportunity to inform the general public on the basic issues regarding competition, its significance and influence on the economic prosperity of society.

Organization of the seminar is an additional recognition to the Commission for its work on an international level, especially being organized in the year marking Commission’s tenth year founding anniversary.

The seminar will be attended by more than 30 participants from 21 OECD Regional Center for Competition Seminar Held in Belgrade.

President of the Commission for Protection of Competition Attending Conference “Slovenian Competition Day”

Following Slovenian colleagues’ invitation, the President of the Commission for Protection of Competition, Miloje Obradović, PhD, participated in the “Slovenian competition day”, held in Ljubljana.

The Conference focused on the EU Damages Directive implementation challenges, enacted with the goal of improved implementation of competition rules by providing rights to the damaged parties to exercise the right to compensation as a consequence of infringements of competition rules under national law. Competition protection authorities’ representatives from Austria, Croatia and Slovenia also took part in a constructive debate on the topic, as well as representatives of the academic and business communities, and courts.

Discussions on the modalities of improving relations and cooperation between Slovenian and Serbian competition protection authorities were held on the sidelines of the conference, alongside the plans for continuation of cooperation between the two institutions, regional initiatives concerning expansion of knowledge and harmonization of practices regarding competition rights and policy in the European Union, as well as current issues the two authorities for competition protection are currently involved.

Ms. Nina Vasić, MSc, Adviser in the Department for International Cooperation of the Commission for Protection of Cooperation also took part in the Serbian delegation.

Straightening of Cooperation with the Austrian Federal Competition Authority

bwb-kzkFollowing the invitation of the Director General of the Austrian Federal Competition Authority, Theodor Tanner, PhD, the President of the Commission for Protection of Competition, Miloje Obradović, PhD, and the Commission’s Secretary General, Dragan Penezić, visited Vienna.

During the bilateral meeting organized on the basis of previously signed Memorandum of Cooperation between the two authorities, plans for the continuation of cooperation between two institutions were discussed, in addition to regional initiatives concerning expansion of knowledge and harmonization of practices regarding competition law and policy in the European Union, as well as current issues in which Austrian and Serbian competition authorities are currently involved.

During the talks on the modalities of improvement of relations and manners of joint operations, it has been agreed that in the following period and before the end of 2016, the Serbian Commission’s team in charge of dawn raids is to hold a training and inspection simulation with Austrian colleagues which will enable acquiring new skills as to on using this very important tool for data and information collection, utilized by all developed competition protection authorities in the world.

The visit is used so that management and employees of the Austrian Federal Competition Authority can be familiarized with the Serbian authority’s activities and plans concerning the further advancement of the Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia.

The Chief Economist of the Commission Attending Professional Development Program in Japan

kzk-ekofThe Chief Economist of the Commission for Protection of Competition, Siniša Milošević, PhD, attended a three-week professional development program in Japan, part of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) program in cooperation with the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC).

The professional development program incorporated all segments of competition law and policy, including theoretical and practical implementation. Experiences regarding implementation of the competition policy in the United States of America, South Korea and Taiwan are presented, alongside experiences of the Japanese competition authority.

The goal of this program is improvement of competition law and policy implementation, but also implementation of acquired knowledge for more efficient promotion of competition environment in the Serbian market.

Experiences and knowledge that Siniša Milošević, PhD, as the Head of the Department for Economic Analysis of the Commission for Protection of Competition, gained during his stay in Japan will be implemented in enacting competition rules in the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

The Commission Initiated Competition Infringement Procedure Against “INTER TURS PLUS” Company

kzk-ekofThe Commission for Protection of Competition, based on the Commission President’s Resolution, dated August 29, 2016, initiated competition infringement procedure ex officio against company “INTER TURS PLUS” from Aranđelovac.

Based on data, information and documents collected, the Commission reasonably assumed a violation of competition having, or likely to have as their object or effect, significant restriction, distortion or prevention of competition.

During the conduct of procedure, the Commission will investigate whether the named company, as a controller of a single bus station in Topola, by increasing bus station platform cost – bus dispatch services, committed the abuse of a dominant position. Bus platform selling price in the amount that is unfairly high, which leads to the exploitation of service users, can constitute an act of the abuse of a dominant position stipulated under Article 16 of the Law on Protection of Competition.

Proceedings Initiated Against 16 Wholesale and Retail of Sportswear, Footwear and Equipment Undertakings

kzk-ekofThe Commission for Protection of Competition initiated proceedings against 16 wholesale and retail of sportswear, footwear, equipment and accessories undertakings.

The proceedings were initiated on the grounds of reasonable presumption of existence of competition infringement pursuant to Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Competition, an activity restricting the competition on retail and wholesale markets of sportswear, footwear, equipment and accessories market in the Republic of Serbia. The undertakings against whom the proceedings were initiated are as follows: „N SPORT“, „PREDUZEĆE ĐAK“, „OFFICE-SHOES“, „PLANETA SPORT“, „CARVEL“, „SPORTMARKET“, „ZVEZDA FOREVER“, „TOTAL SPORT“, „SPORTIKO“, „UNIVERS-CO“, „EUROSTAR“, „TRIM DOO VRBAS“, „K..G…FASSHION“, „KOPELLI“ and „STR FOKUS“ and „KOMISION SPORT ONE“.

On August 18, 2016, the Commission performed a down raid at the business premises of the „N Sport“ company and acquired information, data and contracts which this company has entered into with its customers. The down raid was conducted due to the existence of a reasonable doubt of danger of disposal or altering evidence held by the party in the proceedings.

According to the collected information and documents, the „N Sport“ company, as the seller, has entered into contracts on business cooperation with other undertakings against whom the Commission has initiated proceedings, which contained an obligation for the customers to comply with the minimum retail price set by the „N Sport“ in the resale of their products. This obligation particularly pertained to the brands PUMA, RUSSELL ATHLETIC, SERGIO TACCHINI and others. Also, the contracts contained a prohibition of special sales actions and other forms of favorable sales without prior approval of the seller, i.e. the „N Sport“.

The Commission reasonably assumed that certain provisions of the concluded contracts represent a mutually agreed obligation, by way of which prices and terms of trade are set in an illegal manner, which constitutes a restrictive agreement and infringement of competition pursuant to Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Competition. Restrictive agreements are agreements between undertakings, the object or effect of which is to considerably restrict, distort or prevent competition on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, and in particular those agreements which directly or indirectly set purchase or sale prices or other terms of trade in the resale of products.

The Commission invites all the parties who may possess data, documents or any other relevant information which may contribute to determining the facts in these proceedings, to submit them at the address of the Commission for Protection of Competition, Savska 25/IV, Belgrade.