February « 2017 « Commission for Protection of Competition
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IMF Resident Representative in Serbia Visited Commission

kzk-ekofPresident of the Commission for Protection of Competition, Miloje Obradović, PhD, received the visit of the International Monetary Fund Resident Representative in Serbia, Mr. Sebastian Sosa.

Dr Obradović introduced the guest with present activities, as well as Commission’s plans aimed at improving competition policy in our country. During the talks it is concluded that both institutions have an important role in improving competitiveness of our country and in the process of restructuring state-owned and public enterprises, particularly having in mind the Commission’s conduct of proceedings instituted against them with the goal of establishing efficient competition in their related operative sectors.

Within these topics, the responsibility of public enterprises in the context of natural and legal monopolies they hold is particularly emphasized, and the IMF Resident Representative offered assistance and cooperation to the Commission in the related domains.
Special attention is given to the Commission’s relation with sector regulators, and interest to cooperate with all competent authorities and institutions with the goal of enhancing business environment in Serbia.

The meeting was also attended by Marko Paunović, Economist at the IMF Office in Serbia, Marko Obradović, member of the Commission’s Council, and Nina Vasić, Advisor in the Department for Domestic and International Cooperation of the Commission.

Signed Memorandum on Cooperation with the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac

kzk-ekofPresident of the Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia, Miloje Obradović, PhD, and Dean of the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Professor Petar Veselinović, PhD, have signed the Memorandum on Cooperation between the Commission for Protection of Competition and Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac.

Memorandum on Cooperation defines founding of expert and educational cooperation between these two institutions in the competition policy filed via organizing seminars, visiting lectures of the Commission’s experts, joint thematic workshops, developing students’ internship programs, and joint publishing activities in the competition policy area.

On the occasion of signing the Memorandum, the Commission President emphasized that the introduction of market economy should be encompassed by appropriate knowledge of the competition policy and law as a main free market driving force, as well as by thorough education of economists and lawyers in reference to related regulation drafting and implementation.

The signed document will enable acting in concert towards promoting competition policy and raising awareness of its importance, in addition to introducing an academic course in the field of competition policy as an elective for Masters level students.