The Commission for Protection of Competition established the infringement of competition and imposed a measure for protection of competition against 15 undertakings operating on the sports clothing, footwear and equipment wholesale and retail markets.
It is established that undertakings „N SPORT“, „PREDUZEĆE ĐAK“, „OFICCE-SHOES“, „PLANETA SPORT“, „CARVEL“, „SPORTMARKET“, „TOTAL SPORT“, „SPORTIKO“, „UNIVERS-CO“, „EUROSTAR“, „TRIM DOO VRBAS“, „K..G…FASSHION“, „KOPELLI“, „STR FOKUS“ and „KOMISION SPORT ONE“ have concluded restrictive agreements – agreements of purchase and sale containing provisions that regulate prices in further sales, which represent the infringement of competition from Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Competition. The Commission established that certain provisions of concluded agreements represent a mutually agreed commitment that in a prohibited manner regulate prices and conditions of trade.
On August 18, 2016, the Commission carried out a dawn raid at the business premises of company “N-SPORT” and collected information, data and agreements concluded by this company with its buyers.
In accordance with the collected information and documents, company “N-SPORT”, acting as a seller, concluded agreements of purchase and sale with other undertakings, containing buyer’s commitment to maintain minimum retail prices in further sales established by “N-SPORT”. This commitment particularly related to brands PUMA, RUSSSELL ATHLETIC, SERGIO TACCIHINI and others. Also, agreements envisaged the prohibition of sales promotions and other forms of favorable sales without prior approval of the seller, i.e. “N-SPORT”.
The measure for protection of competition is imposed in the total amount of RSD 45,279,975.78, and specifically for: „N SPORT“ – RSD 16,525,732.75, „PREDUZEĆE ĐAK“ – RSD 15,850,569.60 „OFFICE-SHOES“ – RSD 2,705,138.00, „K… G… FASHION” – RSD 459,256.00, “SPORT ONE” – RSD 99,648.00, „TRIM“ – RSD 82,336.00, „CARVEL“ – RSD 1,307,906.00, „EUROSTAR“ – RSD 69,644.88, „STR FOKUS SNEŽANA ZLATKOVIĆ KOSTOV PR“ – RSD 44,263.37, „SPORTMARKET“ – RSD 44,202.00, „UNIVERS-CO“- RSD 2,776,959.18, „TOTAL SPORT“ – RSD 25,626.00, „KOPELLI“ – RSD 31,402.00, „SPORTIKO“ DOO – RSD 127,050.00 and „PLANETA SPORT“ – RSD 5,212,578.00, required to be executed in favor of the Budget account of the Republic of Serbia within six months period.