During today’s meeting with President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Suma Chakrabarti, President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić supported the idea of the establishment of the Western Balkans Forum of Competition Authorities, based in Belgrade, Serbia.
The Forum is an initiative of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, aimed at intensifying cooperation between competition authorities from the Western Balkan region, principally focused on developing and coordinating processes at the senior executive level, in the context of exchange of knowledge and experiences. The principal body in charge of these activities would the Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia, while the national competition authorities from Slovenia, Croatia, BiH, Montenegro, Albania, and North Macedonia would be the Forum members.
- The fact that the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, has supported this initiative is of paramount importance for our future activities relating to this project, said on the occasion Dr Miloje Obradović, President of the Commission for Protection of Competition, adding that the Forum is also supported by the European Commission.
In his view, intensifying cooperation through this initiative will improve regional cooperation and relations, but also further enhance efficiency in securing a level playing field on markets across the Western Balkans.
The establishment of the Forum was also a topic of the last week’s conference panel discussions, organized by the Commission to mark the Competition Day, as well as of a meeting between the heads of national competition authorities from the region and EBRD representatives. Moreover, the event served as a platform for all heads of national competition authorities from the Western Balkan region to meet for the first time in one place and discuss issues of common concern.