National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia on its Seventh Sitting of the Second Regular Session, held on December 27, 2016, enacted the Decision on the election of Member of the Council of the Commission for Protection of Competition, Mr. Čedomir Radojčić, for a five year term. The Decision is published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, no. 106, dated December 28, 2016.
Mr. Čedomir Radojčić is born on September 4, 1959. He graduated as the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.). He passed the judicial state examination, Ass. jur., in 1992.
He holds a multiyear experience in managerial positions in the revenue-generating and state administration sectors. He is employed by the Commission for Protection of Competition since 2006, when elected as a member of the first Commission Council (as elected member of the Council), where afterwards he worked as the Head of Department for Competition Infringement.
He is one of co-authors of the publication “Competition and Antitrust”. As the Commission for Protection of Competition’s representative, he participated as a lecturer in a series of seminars and workshops held as a part of domestic and international projects.