kzk-ekofThe Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia, in co-operation with the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Belgrade, has organized a seminar on the topic “International Competition Policy – Experiences of the Republic of Korea”.

The event was opened with introductory remarks by Dr Miloje Obradović, President of the Commission for Protection of Competition, followed by keynote addresses by Sang-Jo Kim, Chairman of the Korea Fair Trade Commission, and Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Serbia, H.E. Hyoung-Chan Choe.

In welcoming numerous seminar participants, President Obradović pointed out that competition policy is one of the key segments of economic and business systems of every country. The implementation of competition policy in the Republic of Serbia is performed in accordance with the current legal system, economic factors, sound business principles, and public interest. Dr Obradović underlined that implementation of competition law and policy leads to building adequate business environment and investment climate, in addition to greater involvement of the national economy into the EU economic mainstream.


Our full commitment towards achieving a more efficient competition in our national markets, as well as our genuine desire to establish closer co-operation, are the elements that bind the Korean and Serbian competition authorities, Dr Miloje Obradović said at the time.

In his keynote address, Sang-Jo Kim, Chairman of the Korea Fair Trade Commission, assessed that the cooperation established with the Serbian CPC is very successful and that he remains assured of its continued development and implementation.

Considering that the efficient competition is one of the EU accession preconditions, the Republic of Korea is prepared to assist Serbia in this segment, said Chairman Sang-Jo, further noting the fact that competition is the most important factor for achieving economic growth, price reduction and increased standard of living of all citizens.

kzk-ekofChairman Sang-Jo Kim, globally renowned as one of the most successful antitrust enforcers to fight cartels, selected the Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia at its request to be the first national competition authority to visit during his trip to the continent, and the only one in the Western Balkans region.

Addressing the audience, H.E. Hyoung-Chan Choe, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Serbia, has underlined that by organizing seminars such as this one, the Republic of Korea wishes to send a message that the country he represents is proof that a strong economy is not a coincidence but the result of sound public policies and management, as well as efficient institutions. H.E. Hyoung-Chan Choe said that he sees such events as very important, also in the context of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Korea, which is being celebrated this year.

- I believe that our experiences are useful to Serbia, provided in the function of its economic development and continued EU integrations, Ambassador Hyoung-Chan Choe said.

The working part of the event, organized through two panel sessions, gave the floor to Moonsik Kim and Kyung Je Sung, directors of KFTC Anti-Monopoly Bureau and Cartel Investigation Bureau, respectively, as well as Čedomir Radojčić and Dr Veljko Milutinović, CPC Council members, to present their experiences on competition policy and law issues.