The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure accepted comments and suggestions of the Commission for Protection of Competition and altered the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Utility Services.
The bill proposer’s willingness to fully cooperate with the Commission is the best example of joint efforts directed toward more qualitative regulation that will enable more efficient market competition, which should contribute to the economic prosperity and wellbeing of society, and in particular for the benefit of consumers.
The Commission has sent remarks to the previous Draft Law text providing the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia to issue an act on the fulfillment of conditions for performing utility services to a public enterprise, company, entrepreneur or other business entity. According to the Commission’s opinion, this regulation would have presented an additional barrier to the entrance of new, as well as to the continuation of business operations of current market undertakings that are registered for providing utility services.
In the final version of the Draft Law, the Ministry also incorporated Commission’s suggestions that certain services which can be performed independently and are related to the utility services, be clearly determined as the services of a commercial nature (burial service) that can be provided by undertakings registered under equal conditions, and not exclusively by a public company or a company in which the Republic of Serbia or local self-government unit owns minimum 51% of shares.