Commission for Protection of Competition
Materials on the competition protection policy are now available to market participants and on the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCC) website

kzk As part of the continuation of the cooperation of the Commission for the Protection of Competition with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCC), on spreading awareness of the need to harmonize business operations with regulations on competition protection, on the website of the Chamber, Business in accordance with the rules of competition, Guidelines for the preparation of the business compliance program with the regulations on competition protection are available, as well as the Model of the business compliance program with the regulations on competition protection that follows the Guidelines.

In addition to the Guidelines and Models, there are lists for identifying illegal conduct, brochures in pdf format, presentations used at workshops in cooperation with the Chamber in the course of 2022, as well as educational video materials aimed at familiarizing market participants with the rules of competition protection. Such availability of materials should enable market participants to assess and reduce their exposure to the risks of violations of the Law on Protection of Competition in their operations.

The past practice of the Commission shows that competition violations often occur due to lack or insufficient knowledge of market participants. Therefore, the need to raise the level of awareness among market participants about the necessity and ways to comply one’s business with regulations in the field of competition protection, was recognized.

The Commission participated in the 21st annual conference of the OECD called “Global Forum on Competition”

kzkThe Commission for the Protection of Competition participated in the 21st annual conference “Global Forum on Competition”, which is traditionally organized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), at its headquarters in Paris.

Officials from around 110 competition protection authorities and international organizations were invited to this year’s conference, and the topics were: “Goals of competition policy”, “Subsidies, competition and trade”, “Interaction between competition protection bodies and sector regulators” and “Remedies and commitments in cases of abuse of a dominant position”.

In the introductory part of the conference, the participants of the meeting were addressed by high-ranking officials of international organizations, namely the general secretaries of the OECD and UNCTAD, Mathias Cormann and Rebeca Grynspan, the executive vice-president and commissioner for competition of the European Commission, Margrethe Vestager, the chairman of the OECD Committee on Competition, Frédéric Jenny and Director of the OECD Directorate for Financial and Business Affairs, Carmine di Noia.
On the second day, during the panel, representatives of the Commission gave a presentation related to the previously submitted written contribution and the Commission’s relationship with national sector regulators.

The conference represented a good way of connecting the Commission with representatives of competition protection authorities from all over the world, then, actualizing contacts with competition protection authorities from the region during the coronavirus pandemic aftermath and finally, direct representation of the Commission in the international arena.

Representatives of the Commission participated at the round table dedicated to competition protection in public procurement procedures

kzkWithin the project “Effective Public Procurement in the Service of Economic Growth”, implemented by the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED) with the support of Swedish Agency for International Development (SIDA), a round table was held on the 30 November 2022 named “Protection of Competition in Public Procurement”.

The foreign guest at the round table was Mr. Gianluca Sepe from the Italian competition authority, who presented the practice, challenges and recommendations from this area. The domestic participants included representatives from the Commission for Protection of Competition, Public Procurement Office, Republic Commission for the protection of rights in public procurement procedures and Anti-corruption agency.

The purpose of the round table was emphasizing the importance of competition protection in procedures of public procurement and additional connecting and strengthening of cooperation between the institutions that are competent for this area.

Final conference of the project was organized on 01 December 2022 with attendance of high officials.

Participation of the Commission in the presentation of the results of the OECD project “Fair market conditions for competitiveness”

kzkThe Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) together with the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, held a conference where the results of the OECD project entitled “Fair market conditions for competitiveness” were presented.

Member of the Council of the Commission, Čedomir Radojčić, participated in a panel dedicated to the topic of strengthening competition protection in the Republic of Serbia, with special reference to the Commission’s role in increasing the level of competitiveness of the national market and the tools it has at its disposal in terms of raising awareness of the need for and ways to comply with the rules protection of competition.

During the conference, held in the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, the work of the Commission for the Protection of Competition was positively evaluated by OECD experts in the presentation regarding the state of competition in the Republic of Serbia.

The Commission takes part in the International Conference on Competition and Consumer Protection in Georgia

kzkAn international conference on the implementation of competition policy and consumer protection was held in Georgia on November 16 and 17, 2022, in which the Commission for the Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia participated.

The two-day event was jointly organized by the Georgian National Competition Agency, the National Bank of Georgia, the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission, the National Communications Commission, and the Insurance State Supervision Service of Georgia.

The conference was attended by more than 15 delegations of competition protection bodies from different countries, domestic and international experts, representatives of public agencies, the academic community, international organizations and the business sector. The meeting discussed competition law mechanisms, consumer rights protection, cases and activities carried out by competition protection bodies and regulatory agencies.

The parallel session topic also covered: Competition policy and sustainable development; Competition policy on regulated markets/interagency cooperation; Indirect mechanisms of application of the Law on Protection of Competition (Advocacy); Refusal of business as a form of abuse (Essential Facility); etc.

The Commission’s delegation consisted of: Council member Miroslava Đošić, Head of the Sector for Determination of Competition Infringements Marina Joksimović and Head of the Sector for Normative – Legal, Personnel and General Affairs Milica Stanković.