oecdPresident of the Commission for Protection of Competition, Miloje Obradović, PhD, following the invitation of the Anti-Corruption Agency, participated at the conference “Cooperation of the Anti-Corruption Agency with state institutions in the fight against corruption”.

Considering that the Commission for Protection of Competition has signed agreements with numerous state institutions and more intensely cooperates with the Anti-Corruption Agency as well, the latter being confirmed by the Agreement these two institutions have signed together with the Republic Commission for Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures, this event provided the appropriate opportunity for presenting activities that the Commission for Protection of Competition, in line with its legal competences, conducts on a daily basis.

President of the Commission, dr Miloje Obradović, reminded participants of the conference that the Law on Protection of Competition belongs to the group of systematic anti-corruption legislations. “One of the preconditions for increasingly efficient work of the Commission is a constant dialogue and qualitative system of information exchange with the competent authorities in the Republic of Serbia”, dr Obradović emphasized during the symposium, and as an example of successful cooperation specifically pointed to the recently signed agreement with the Anti-Corruption Agency and Republic Commission for Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures. “The objective of this agreement is protection of public interest, reduction of corruption related risks and strengthen institutional integrity”, specified dr Obradović.

Director of the Anti-Corruption Agency, Tatjana Babić, emphasized that the fight against corruption is a joint endeavor of all institutions.
“No single anti-corruption institution is able to achieve much if it doesn’t have the police and courts on its side and if is ill-financed”, said Director Babić. She added that in the fight against corruption is necessary to have a „neverending patience“, as well as to invest enormous efforts in making baby-steps.

Objective of the conference was to highlight the commitment and cooperation achieved so far of all state institutions in the fight against corruption.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, President of the State Audit Institution, Radoslav Sretenović, Dean of the University of Belgrade’s Law School, professor dr Sima Avramović, and directors of the Tax Administration and Public Procurement Office participated in the conference, and other representatives from international organizations, civil society and the media.