President of the Commission for Protection of Competition, Miloje Obradović, PhD, held an opening speech at the jubilee, tenth in a row, “Focus on Competition” conference traditionally organized by the Karanović & Nikolić Law Office and Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom from Germany.
Dr Obradović pointed out, among other things, that full implementation of the current Law on Protection of Competition in previous period has confirmed that there is a room for normative improvements. This is of a particular significance keeping in mind the enactment of the new Law on Administrative Procedure whose full implementation is foreseen for the middle of next year, and which will hold the position of a system, i.e. fundamental law.
The Commission President emphasized that the favored solution while awaiting the implementation of the new Law on Administrative Procedure is to enhance judges’ education, the goal of which being the improvement of judicial competition infringement processing capacities. He also reminded of the fact stated in the European Commission Report on Serbia’s progress related to the underlined importance and necessity to strengthen judicial capacities to handle complex competition infringement cases.
This year’s “Focus on Competition” conference presentations and discussions were focused on the competition legislative area, Austrian competition watchdog’s practice and related competition legislative area, in addition to the EU legislation related influence on candidate countries in the area of competition legislation.
One of the panelists also was Siniša Milošević, PhD, Head of Department for Economic Inquiries in the Commission for Protection of Competition, who addressed the attendees by presenting economic inquiry practices executed in the Commission’s operations and their related importance on more efficient work of the institution.