The organizers of this year’s annual international conference hosted by ACE, Association of Competition Economics, have selected the case conducted by the Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia concerning the edible sunflower oil production and sales market as a representative competition case to be presented to participants of this renowned event.
The conference gathering competition economists from around Europe will take place in Bologna (Italy), mid-November this year. The CPC case was selected among dozens of nominated antitrust cases. One of the selection criteria was that the case illustrates certain advances in the use of economics in competition enforcement or to be of particular interest to competition economists.
The Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia sees the news on the selection of this competition case as additional acknowledgment for results achieved in advancing economic expertise during the last couple of years, reflecting on the quality of its decisions.
Since its creation in 2003, ACE’s main activity has been an annual conference bringing together competition economists. This year’s conference is expected to bring together numerous representatives of European competition authorities, reputable consulting companies and academia, working to exchange related experiences in assessing the effects of operational activities of competition authorities.