kzk-ekofThe Commission for Protection of Competition concluded a sector inquiry into the oil derivatives retail market in 2016 in the Republic of Serbia. The subject of the inquiry was the establishment of relations between main competitors in defined market segments with the objective to conduct a comparative inquiry into fluctuations of individual categories and identify potential market weaknesses.

The integral part of the report relates to derived conclusions based on which, inter alia, tendencies may be perceived, both on the oil production and processing market and on the oil derivatives retail market, as well as the structure and fluctuation trends in retail prices of selected oil derivatives.

The Commission assessed a level of compliance with the recommendations provided in previous reports, and once again pointed to the significance of establishing a precise statistical records on oil and oil derivatives, in addition to the importance of cooperation with other competent institutions towards creating a legal and business environment to advance the free market competition.

Considering the importance of the oil sector for energy activity and overall industrial development, as of March 1, 2018, the Commission will open a competition conditions inquiry into this market for 2017.

The Commission wishes to express its gratitude to all undertakings for their duly submission of requested data during the competition conditions inquiry process, and at the same time calls upon undertakings and other expert public to submit their comments to the report, as well as suggestions for the continuance of the inquiry, no later than February 28, 2018, to email address:, with the subject line: Comments to the sector inquiry into the oil and oil derivatives market.