October « 2018 « Commission for Protection of Competition
Home » 2018 » October
New Proceedings on Bid Rigging Concerns

kzkThe Commission for Protection of Competition has instituted ex officio proceedings against company Konica Minolta Poslovna Rešenja SE d.o.o. Beograd, 11a Milutina Milankovića Blvd., Belgrade. The proceedings is instituted in order to investigate the infringement of competition from Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Competition.

During the course of investigation proceedings instituted on May 28, 2018 against companies Original doo Beograd, Mikops doo Niš, Birolinija doo Beograd, Biro print sistemi doo Beograd, Dikti Line doo, Birodeveloping doo Niš, and Birotehnika doo Jagodina, the Commission has gained knowledge indicating that company Konica Minolta Poslovna rešenja SE has also participated in the infringement of competition stipulated in Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Competition. As an importer and distributor of equipment manufactured by Konica Minolta, company Konica Minolta manages the sale of equipment via company Original doo Beograd, from which all other partners are procuring the related equipment, such as Birotehnika, Mikops and Birolinija, not excluding the independent sales. The sales and aftermarket services of equipment manufactured by Develep, owned by company Konica Minolta, are managed via partners Birodeveloping and Dikti Line.

For reasons of procedural economy, given that legal requirements on the consolidation of two proceedings are met, the Commission has enacted a conclusion on conducting single proceedings in this case.

Public Debate and Lobbying Course for the Commission Employees

kzkEmployees of the Commission for Protection of Competition have attended a two-day training course on lobbying and successful public debating. The course was implemented with a high degree of interaction, covering topics such as – the role of public debate in creating public policies, elements of the organization of public debates, as well as how to conduct a debate.

Attendees of this course, organized through project funding provided by the Kingdom of Norway and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Belgrade, were provided with an opportunity to learn more about the characteristics of a successful lobbyist, in addition to various tactics and techniques utilized, including practical cases derived from the EU experiences showcasing the implementation of this skill. In such manner, the Commission representatives were presented with an opportunity to advance their advocacy skills, as well as to improve their expertise in disseminating their own knowledge-based capital and practical lessons learned from the competition policy field.

Photo: Fonet – Zoran Mrđa