kzk-ekofThe Commission for Protection of Competition also conducted a competition conditions inquiry into software and IT equipment market on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

For the inquiry related needs, the Commission identified two relevant markets within a wider information and communication technology (ICT) market – software wholesale market, and hardware wholesale market (computers and IT equipment). Within such defined markets, particular attention is placed on the software and IT equipment public procurement markets.

The basic objective of the inquiry was to estimate the size and volume of defined markets, identify the most important undertakings operating on such defined markets and to assess their market share, as well as respective relative market power.
The subject of this inquiry related to the collection and elaboration of data on generated sale revenues pertaining to the software and computers and IT equipment on the domestic and foreign markets, as well as on generated revenues based on the participation ratio in public procurement procedures.

The inquiry used data provided by the Public Procurement Office on implemented software and IT equipment public procurements from 2014-2016, in addition to the conducted investigation into the largest software and IT equipment manufacturers and distributors founded on 42 company-based sample. For the inquiry related needs, the Commission also used publicly available data and information on the ICT sector, data from the balance of services published by the National Bank of Serbia, and data provided by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.

The Commission wishes to express its gratitude to all undertakings for their duly submission of requested data during the competition conditions inquiry process, and at the same time calls upon undertakings and other expert public to submit their comments to the report, to email address: with reference: Comments to the software and IT equipment market inquiry.