Sectoral analisys « Commission for Protection of Competition
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Commission Conducted Competition Conditions Inquiry into the Sports Footwear, Clothing and Equipment Market

NIS EKSPRESThe Commission for Protection of Competition conducted a competition conditions inquiry into the sports footwear, clothing and equipment market on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

The inquiry is conducted with the objective of establishing more qualitative and comprehensive approach in cases concerning this sector, but also towards raising awareness and education level of undertakings, since all, including this activity as well, are directed at securing efficient competition on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

The subject of the inquiry related to the collection and elaboration of data on procurement and sales of sports footwear, clothing and equipment in the period 2014-2016. In line with the data submitted by undertakings for inquiry-related purposes, the Commission analyzed the market structure, relations between main competitors and their market shares. In this respect, researchers have established a dynamic growth, high concentration of observed markets, as well as revenue increase of all undertakings generated from the sales to end-users and other dealers. Considering all specificities of this market, the Commission will continue to monitor the sector concerned with a particular attention in the period to come as well.

The Commission wishes to express its gratitude to all undertakings for their duly submission of requested data during the competition conditions inquiry process, and at the same time calls upon undertakings and other expert public to submit their comments to the report, to email address:, with the subject line: Comments to the sports footwear, clothing and equipment market inquiry.

Competition Conditions Inquiry into Software and IT Equipment Market from 2014 – 2016

kzk-ekofThe Commission for Protection of Competition also conducted a competition conditions inquiry into software and IT equipment market on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

For the inquiry related needs, the Commission identified two relevant markets within a wider information and communication technology (ICT) market – software wholesale market, and hardware wholesale market (computers and IT equipment). Within such defined markets, particular attention is placed on the software and IT equipment public procurement markets.

The basic objective of the inquiry was to estimate the size and volume of defined markets, identify the most important undertakings operating on such defined markets and to assess their market share, as well as respective relative market power.
The subject of this inquiry related to the collection and elaboration of data on generated sale revenues pertaining to the software and computers and IT equipment on the domestic and foreign markets, as well as on generated revenues based on the participation ratio in public procurement procedures.

The inquiry used data provided by the Public Procurement Office on implemented software and IT equipment public procurements from 2014-2016, in addition to the conducted investigation into the largest software and IT equipment manufacturers and distributors founded on 42 company-based sample. For the inquiry related needs, the Commission also used publicly available data and information on the ICT sector, data from the balance of services published by the National Bank of Serbia, and data provided by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.

The Commission wishes to express its gratitude to all undertakings for their duly submission of requested data during the competition conditions inquiry process, and at the same time calls upon undertakings and other expert public to submit their comments to the report, to email address: with reference: Comments to the software and IT equipment market inquiry.

Conducted Market Inquiry into Raspberry Purchase and Exports

kzk-ekofThe Commission for Protection of Competition conducted a competition conditions inquiry into the raspberry purchase and export market on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
The inquiry is conducted with the objective of investigating the existence of a reasonable assumption on the presence of competition infringement on the raspberry purchase market effected on the part of buyers (owners of cold storage facilities), pursuant to which the Commission would be able, in accordance with its competences, to institute an investigative proceeding ex officio.

The subject-matter of this inquiry was the collection and elaboration of data on production, purchase, import and export of raspberries and the establishment of circumstances under which the 2017 raspberry harvest purchase is conducted. For the purpose of conducting the inquiry, raspberry import/export data for 2010-2017 are collected from the competent authorities. In line with submitted data, the largest raspberry exporters are identified and contacted by the Commission with a special request for the submission of data and information.

Pursuant to all collected and analyzed data and information, the Commission was unable to derive a conclusion on the existence of disturbances on the 2017 raspberry harvest purchase market, which could be the result of preventing, restricting or distorting competition on the part of undertakings operating on the related market.

The inquiry also indicated on numerous issues of a systematic nature that both raspberry producers and buyers encounter. Such issues, as per understanding of the Commission, require the involvement of all relevant institutions towards finding a long-term and sustainable solution, so that the continued existence of this extremely important fruit-growing branch yielding significant export revenues would not be jeopardized.

The Commission wishes to express its gratitude to all undertakings for their duly submission of requested data during the competition inquiry process, and at the same time calls upon undertakings and other expert public to submit their comments to the inquiry, to email address: with reference: Comments to the raspberry market inquiry.

Commission Prepared the 2015 Oil-Derivatives Wholesale and Retail Market Inquiry

kzk-ekofPursuant to the Decision of the Council and Article 47 of the Law on Protection of Competition, the Commission for Protection of Competition conducted the 2015 oil-derivatives wholesale and retail market sector inquiry.

The subject of the report is the competition inquiry in the Republic of Serbia in 2015 on previously defined markets for three oil-derivative categories: petrol, diesel fuel and liquefied petroleum gas.

The sector inquiry encompassed total of 17 business entities, being: Petroleum Industry of Serbia Inc. Novi Sad, Lukoil Srbija Inc. Belgrade, MOL Serbia LLC Belgrade, OMV Srbija LLC Belgrade, Eko Serbia Inc. Belgrade, Petrobart LLC Belgrade, Nafta Inc. Belgrade, Knez Petrol LLC Belgrade, LLC Euro Petrol trade company Subotica, Evolucija 2004 LLC Belgrade, Naftachem LLC for trade and services Sremska Kamenica, LLC Euro gas trading company Subotica, Standard gas LLC Novi Sad, Igmin Petrol LLC Belgrade, Speed LLC Belgrade, Daki petrol LLC Belgrade and Horizon Energy LLC Šimanovci.

The report provides a series of conclusions and recommendations foremost related to the continuance of operations aimed at forming a unique statistical records on the oil-derivatives turnover, increase in business transparency of undertakings, and cooperation of the Commission and competent institutions aimed at creating a legal and business environment that would enable free competition on the market.

Taking into consideration the importance of oil sector for energy-related operations and entire industrial development, the Commission shall, as from March 1, 2017, institute drafting of the 2016 related market competition inquiry.
The Commission expresses its gratitude to all undertakings which have in orderly manner submitted requested data during the conduct of related sector inquiry, and at the same time calls all undertakings and other expert public to send their comments to the report, in addition to proposals and suggestions for the continuance of the inquiry, no later than February 28, 2017, to email address:, with the remark: Comment on the oil-derivatives market sector inquiry.

Insurance Market Competition Inquiry, 2012-2015

OSIGURANJEPursuant to the Decision of the Council and Article 47 of the Law on Protection of Competition, the Commission for Protection of Competition conducted the insurance market competition inquiry in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2012-2015.

The main objective of this inquiry is to determine the market structure and relations between main competing parties, their market shares and relevant power. Additionally, the objective of this inquiry is detecting possible market weaknesses that might create conditions causing competition infringement.

Working group comprising representatives of the Commission, National Bank of Serbia, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications will be established in the coming period, formulating a Draft regulation on conditions for group exemption of agreements in the insurance sector, whereby the European regulatory rules and specifics of the insurance sector in Serbia shall be taken into consideration, which are presented in the Report via conclusions and recommendations of the conducted insurance market sector inquiry.

The Commission takes this opportunity to express appreciation to the National Bank of Serbia and all undertakings for submitting requested data for the purpose of this sector inquiry.
The full sector inquiry report, including conclusions and adopted recommendations is published honoring the requests of business entities for protecting data considered as a trade secret.

All undertakings and other expert public are hereby called upon to submit their comments in reference to the Report, no later than February 28, 2017, email:, with the remark: Comment to the insurance market sector inquiry.

Aftermarkets Sector Inquiries

AFTERMARKETSBased on the Decision of the Council of the Commission for Protection of Competition, an inquiry on competition related conditions on aftermarkets has been conducted. The inquiry encompassed aftersales services, guarantees, turnover and use of spare parts for motor vehicles and top selling home appliances – refrigerators and washing machines.

Apart from comprehensive conditions inquiry, specific conclusions are established in addition to the list of recommendations aimed at improving legitimate and fair market operations of all undertakings, as well as facilitating consumers and their organizations in perceiving products running costs.
The added intent of this inquiry, and in particular of its conclusions and recommendations, is to point the competent state institutions to the conditions on inquired markets, whilst to facilitate the proactive operating of the Commission aimed at deterring undertakings from competition infringement related acting.

The results of conducted researches and associated established conclusions, enabled adopting a number of positions that might serve the Commission for Protection of Competition and other competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia, as well as consumer associations, in planning, adopting and implementing measures and actions from their field of competence.

One of provided recommendations is to initiate a research on motor vehicle related prices and average running and servicing costs, as well as to publish and promote them in order to facilitate motor vehicle buyers’ consideration of total costs taken when purchasing motor vehicles and received product related value-to-price. The estimate of the research team is that such inquiry would contribute to the more realistic buyers’ comprehension of the scope of costs they endure when buying and servicing and repairing motor vehicles, which would contribute the intensifying competition on both basic products market and aftermarkets.

The results of aforesaid inquiry will be used in the course of preparing the Draft Regulation on conditions for group exemption of agreements in the motor vehicle sector, transporting the EU Commission Regulation no. 461/2010 into our legislative system.
The project is conducted in cooperation with the Public Policy Secretariat of the Republic of Serbia with financial and technical support from the PERFORM Project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. As per Project’s ToR prepared by the Commission as contracting authority of the inquiry, the research was conducted by the Institute of Economic Sciences, as the Project research partner.

All undertakings and other expert community are hereby invited to submit their comments as per the Report, no later than December 31, 2016, to email address:, referencing: Comment on the aftermarkets sector inquiry.

Competition rules in energy sector


Representatives of Commission for Protection of Competition participated, as speakers, in the seminar dedicated to the field of competition, with a focus on challenges in energy sector.
Seminar participants were informed about sector inquiries of the market of petroleum products, as well as all illicit clauses imposed on long-term contracts on gas supply. The topic at the seminar was also the issue of price calculation, as well as the problems of vertical integration in production and distribution of electricity. Too, among topics discussed at seminar were basic provisions stemming from the EU Stabilization and Association Agrement regarding the separation of functions of production from supply and further distribution of energy to end consumers.

In cooperation with Serbian Chamber of Commerce and experts involved in project supported by EU intended to promote protection of competition in Serbia, Commission for Protection of Competition provides business community with opportunity to become familiar, through lectures, workshops and seminars, with basic rules in competition policy and competition protection.

Speakers at the seminar were Ms. Jelena Grahovac, from Commission for Protection of Competition, and experts involved in project, Mr. Andrej Plahutnik and Mr.Aleksandar Djelic, lawyer.

Serbian Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with Commission for Protection of Competition, organized this seminar within the Project for Strengthening the Competition in Serbia financed by EU, and implemented by German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).