kzk-ekofThe Commission for Protection of Competition has opened a special telephone hotline and email address for all parties in possession of information and other available facts of alleged instances of infringement of competition occurring on individual markets in the Republic of Serbia.

Information on all details concerning the possibility and means of submission of initiatives for the opening of antitrust investigations can be obtained via email address or by calling our helpdesk at 011 38 11 958
Given that the Commission, pursuant to Article 35 of the Law on Protection of Competition, may also open an antitrust investigation procedure based on the received initiatives, we are hereby inviting and encouraging all parties in possession of information or facts of the existence of any kind of breach of competition, to contact the Commission and submit an initiative for the opening of antitrust proceedings before the Commission. The initiatives will be reviewed and handled by the Commission officials. The complainants will be informed of the outcome of the related initiative immediately following its handling. In all cases where antitrust proceedings based on submitted initiatives are launched by the Commission, the complainants are also entitled to be informed about the course of the investigation procedure.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW that the complainants do not have the status of a party in ex officio proceedings initiated on their initiative, but that their identity, as well as information considered to be a trade secret or other business sensitive data, may be protected pursuant to Article 45 of the Law on Protection of Competition.